Superior-Quality, Double-Glazed Windows, Doors & Conservatories.
Precision aluminium windows featuring patented corner technology for improved asethetics. Available in a wide range colours as well as bespoke options to suit every home.
Aluminium windows can provide a sleeker and slimmer look to a house, which can maximise the views on offer. They are ideal if you live in the countryside, and the fact that they are a recyclable and durable product also appeals to a lot of people.
At Bracknell Windows, we have noticed a lot more people across the Thames Valley using aluminium windows in domestic properties over recent years, having been used commercially for quite a while.
Stylish aluminium windows
Choosing the right windows for your home is an important decision. An investment that makes a real difference to how warm and secure you feel; as well as changing the look of your property.
Transform your home with our high performance aluminium windows.
Submit your details and one of our friendly advisors will be in touch.
Phone: 01344 859866 / 07876 555152
Bracknell Windows Ltd
Registered Office: 21 Greenham Wood, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 7WJ
Important Note:
Our registered address is for correspondence purposes only, as we do not have a physical showroom. Please contact us via email or phone to arrange consultations or appointments.
Registered in England and Wales
Company Number: 08776730
VAT Number: 102240387